Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

chapter 2. Economic Activites

Multiple Choice

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D

1. Explain the definition of consumption, production, and distribution!
2. Explain the difference between consumption, production, and distribution!
3. Explain the consumer behavior with the indifference curve approach!
4. Explain the economic activity circular flow diagram!
5. Explain the role of  consumption households and firms households!
6. Explain the role government and society!
7. Explain the role of foreign customers and producers!
8. Give detail explanation on every economic entities in an economy!
9. Explain the flows formed by the interaction between consumption households and firms households!
10. Explain types of incomes received by consumption households!


  1.  Consumption is the direct usage of goods and services to fulfill one's needs. Production is making goods or providing services. Distibution are all of the goods handling activities starting from the producers all the way to the hands of the costumers.
  2. If the consumption to use the goods an service, the production is to produce the goods and service, and the distribution is to distribute all the goods and the services. 
  3. In maximazing their satisfication, consumers are restrained by their constrained budgets. They cannot reach the highest satisfaction level because their consumption is limited by their budget constraint
  4. Circular flow diagram which consists of two-sector and four-sector diagram. Circular flow diagram with two-sector : Two kinds of market are established as a consequence of this interaction between consumption household and firms consumption. The first is product market. In this market, household buy goods and services that produced by firms. The second one is factor market, where firms buy inputs such as labour, capital, andland from households.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Chapter 2. Understanding Fungsitions and Operation Of Various Information and ICT Devices

Multiple Choice

  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. E
  6. E
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B


1. In ASCII code, by what code is letter W represented.
2. Name and explain all supporting devices inside a CPU
3. What is the abbreviation and the function of ROM ?
4. Name 3 examples of network interface cards.
5. Name several cables that use on a wired network.  


1. The letter W is represented by the number code 87.
2. A CPU socket-which is where a microprocessor is placed. A memory slot which is where a computer memory is placed. A chipset which is a chip that regulates the interaction among devices, there are a southbridge chip and a northbridge chip: An expansion slot, such as PCI, AGP, and PCI Express: A power connector to receive electrical input from the power supply unit (PSU) and then distributes the electricity to all connecting devices.
3. ROM (Read Only Memory) is a permanent memory that can be read but cannot be updated. ROM is to save computer operation program, such as BIOS and booting.
4. Ethernet, arcnet, and token ring.
5. UTP Cable, STP Cable, Coaxial Cable.


Multiple Choice

  1. a
  2. c
  3. e
  4. c
  5. d
  6. n
  7. d
  8. a

  9. a
1. State and explain the reasons behind the scarity of resources and goods/ services!
2. In your own words, explain wha scarity is?
3. Explain resources allocation using the PPF curve!
4. Explain how to make choice rationlly!
5. What are the different kinds of human needs? Please explain!
6. Explain about the fundamental economic problems are!
7. Compare between mixed economic system and contralized economic system!
8. What are advantageous and disadvantageous of centralized economic system? Please explain!
9. In your opinion, does traditional economic system still exist in the world? Elaborate!
10. In your opinion, what economic system is adopted in Indonesia? Elaborate!
1. a) Natural disasters, like stunami, earthquake, and flood, destroy the resources, so that they cannot be utilized.
b) Wars also one of the main reasons behaind secarcity. Civil war in sudan, for instance, has caused famine and starvation
c) Human behaviour toward natural resources also has impact on resources scarceness, which in turn can cause scarcity of goods and services. Illegal logging is one of the examples
d) The various arrays of needs. Human needs are continously developed. It is a human nature, that we, humans, always feel insufficient
2. Need is sense of in suffience that has to be fulfilled which comes from human own self, to wards the goods and service suitable for fulfilling those dispority.


A.Multiple choice

1.How to turn on a computer properly?
2.What do you know about the RESET button?
3.Name several ways to open an application in Window Vista?
4.What is Office Suite? Mention example of Office Suite?
5.Name several example of application system that is compatable with Windows Vista operating system?

1. a) Ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected.
b) Turn on the CPU by pressing the ON or POWER button on the cassing.
c) Turn on the monitor by pressing the ON or POWER button on the monitor.
d) Wait untilthe booting procedure is finished which is shown by the desktop appearance on the monitor screen.

2.RESET button function if the computer crashes or hangs or can not be shut down through the standard procedure, use the 'reset' button to restart the computer. the reset button is best used only if the computer does not respond. you can use the task manager facility to close all application programs that cause the computer not responding.

3.a) By Using Shortcuts on the Desktop.
b) By Using Start Menu.
c) By Using the Related Document.

4.Office Suite (word Processor) : word processor is software for documenting letter, books,reports, thesis, work paper, etc.
For example: Microsoft Office 2007,, and Abiword.

5. a) Using Calculator to Calculate Mathematical Operation.
b) Using Paint for Simple Drawing.
c) Usina Wordpad to Type Simple Documents.

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Belajar Membuat File GIF- Upload Blog

Alhamdulillah akhirnya bisa membuat:

  1. Print Screen
  2. File dengan eksitensi GIF 
Selengkapnya sebagai berikut:
  1. Sekedar contoh kita akanmengcapture gambar di layar dekstop.
  2. Tekan tombol Print Screen 1x saja yang ada di keyboard
  3. Buka Program Paint yakni Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint.
  4. Silahkan pilih Edit > Paste > Save As.
  5. Pada File Name : Misalnya diberi nama Capture Gambar Via Print Screen.
  6. Save As type, pilihlah ekstensi.GIF.
  7. Biar aman jangan langsung di save namun di drive kelas X - C.
  8. Lalu browse folders, click tulisan Computer > X - C > New Folder > New Folder Name >
  9. Lalu diberi nama sesuai keinginan anda yang mudah diingat > Open > Save.
  10. Selanjutnya bisa di upload ke blogspot anda sesuai prosedurnya.
  11. Agar file gambarnya mudah dan cepat di upload.
Sumber   :

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Ah sekedar contoh!

saya punya kisah menarik
kambing berkokok
kucing mengembik
ayam mengaung
harimau menggonggong
nizar bertelur
chendra cantik sekali alias cewek gagal
boleh tertawa , boleh menangis , dan boleh keduanya !

Chapter 1

Page 25 - 27
A. Multiple Choice
B. Essay